Advanced Seminar (MSc) Innovation & Entrepreneurship (WIB24001): (Life outside organizational boundaries and innovative behavior)

Lecturer (assistant)
Duration4 SWS
TermSommersemester 2017
Language of instructionEnglish
Position within curriculaSee TUMonline
DatesSee TUMonline


Admission information

See TUMonline
Note: The registration for the seminars of the TUM School of Management is NOT available via TUMonline, but via the new seminar placement tool ( Registration period: 27.02. – 12.03.17. Please note that until the beginning of the registration period there will be no seminars visible on


Key learnings for students include: - Deepening theoretical knowledge relating to important questions in innovation and technology management - Applying theoretical concepts and analytical tools to examples and cases from practice - Planning and conducting a research project according to scientific standards - Structuring, writing and presenting a scientific paper


The objective of the seminar is to provide a deeper understanding of important topics in technology and innovation management. The topic of this term’s seminar will be to explore life outside the organization as a source for innovation within the organization. Students will be acquainted with the key theoretical concepts that are relevant for this course. The general question for this seminar will be how life outside the organization influences innovation within the organization. Outside life comprises a variety of concepts (hobbies, family, friends, etc.) and can be related to many concepts which will be relevant for innovation such as knowledge, identification, emotions, etc. The seminar will focus on the individual level, i.e. innovative behavior of employees. We will investigate this broad question in different contexts from which participants can choose (e.g., creative industries, sport industries, automotive, b2b). Participants are supposed to conduct three interviews and gather narratives of critical incidents in which members of organizations were influenced by their outside life to innovate. Students will gather information during these interviews and analyze it in the light of the extant literature. The goal is to build an inductive understanding of how life outside the organization influences innovation within the organization. Findings will be summarized in a written report. To support students, we will provide some advance reading, introduce guide them in their sampling (critical incident technique), familiarize them with qualitative research methods (Gioia methodology), provide a standardized questionnaire, and provide a consultation to each student. Groups of 4-5 students will collaborate on a comparative case analysis that they will jointly present in class. This analysis will build on the findings from the individual cases and look for similarities and differences. The goal is to generalize and bound findings from the individual cases. Groups will be built around related contexts, e.g. cases within one industry. Thus, students get a strong sense of their own case as well as its context. Throughout the course, we will pay particular attention to research design, methodology and scientific writing. Thus, the seminar will be a good way of preparing for your master thesis in technology and innovation management or related subjects. There will be four fixed dates, two of which participation will be mandatory for. - Kickoff 28.04.2017 (mandatory) - Intermediary session on methodology and academic writing TBD - Consultation session TBD - Final session including presentations 21.07.2017 (mandatory)


Basic lectures in TIM - Technology and Innovation Management: Introduction - Advanced Technology and Innovation Management

Teaching and learning methods

- Presentation by lecturer - Presentation by students - Writing of report


75% Individual report (3 critical cases of innovation as basis) 25% Group presentation of case comparison in class
