Prof. Dr. Mirjam Knockaert
Mirjam Knockaert is Adjunct Professor at the TUM School of Management. Concurrently, she is an Associate Professor in Entrepreneurship at Ghent University. She obtained her master in Business Economics from KULeuven (Belgium), and her PhD in Business Economics from Ghent University (Belgium), and worked in financial audit before joining academia. Mirjam worked at the University of Oslo (Norway) as an adjunct Associate Professor for ten years. Mirjam’s research focuses on two specific research streams. First, she addresses research questions in the area of academic entrepreneurship and technology transfer. Second, she is interested in the human capital side of entrepreneurship, investigating the role of team members, boards of directors, and core employees for entrepreneurial ventures. Her research was published in internationally leading entrepreneurship journals. Next to teaching and research, Mirjam is involved in the board of directors of university spin-off firms. She is also an active member in the Entrepreneurship Division of the Academy of Management.
Link to Mirjam Knockaert at Ghent University
Selected current research projects
- “ The valorization of Self-healing Multifunctional Advanced Repair Technologies in Cementitious Systems” – A H2020 project in collaboration with Politecnico di Milano, University of Delft, University of Cambridge and University of Cardiff (amongst others), in which we investigate how radical, research-based innovations can optimally be brought to market.
- “The Role of Supporting Entrepreneurship (SE) Actors for Early Stage High Tech Firms”- a large scale, multi-disciplinary project in collaboration with Ghent University colleagues, in which we study the role of support actors (financial parties, corporate governance, technology transfer and policy mechanisms) for the development and performance of early stage ventures.
Key Publications
- Vanacker, T., Forbes, D., Knockaert, M., Manigart, S. (2019). Signal strength, media attention, and resource mobilization: Evidence from new private equity firms. Forthcoming in: Academy of Management Journal
- Huyghe, A., Knockaert, M., Obschonka, M. (2016). Unraveling the “passion orchestra” in academia. Journal of Business Venturing, 31(3), 344-364.
- Crucke, S., Knockaert, M. (2016). When stakeholder representation leads to faultlines. A study of board service performance in social enterprises. Journal of Management Studies, 53(5), 768-793
- Vandenbroucke E., Knockaert M., Ucbasaran D. (2016). Outside Board Human Capital and Early Stage High Tech Firm Performance. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 40(4), 759-779.