Select Blog Posts and other Articles
Henkel, J., Maghamé, T. “IP shares: a means to simplify licensing of standard essential patents.”, Intellectual Asset Management Magazine, 18 October 2023.
Henkel, J.,“Im Dschungel des Patentrechts.”, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, 2 October 2023, p. 18.
Henkel, J.“The Proposed EU Regulation on SEPs (I): The problems it addresses.”, Kluwer Patent Blog, 19 April 2023.
Henkel, J.“ The Proposed EU Regulation on SEPs (II): Comments on critique.”, Kluwer Patent Blog, 4 May 2023.
Articles in Peer-Reviewed Journals
Henkel, J. (2022) Licensing standard-essential patents in the IoT – A value chain perspective on markets for technology. Research Policy, 51, 104600,
Bekkers, R., Tur, E.M., Henkel, J., van der Vorst, T., Driesse, M.,. Contreras, J.L. (2022) Overcoming inefficiencies in patent licensing: A method to assess a patent’s essentiality for technical standards. Research Policy, 51, 104590,
Teubner, L., Henkel, J., Bekkers, R. (2021) Industry consortia in mobile telecommunications standards setting: Purpose, organization and diversity. Telecommunications Policy, 45, 102059.
Hartmann, P., Henkel, J. (2020) The rise of corporate science in AI: Data as a strategic resource. Academy of Management Discoveries, 6(3), 359-381.
Hanson, J. D., Henkel, J. (2020) Collaborative innovation: Weak commitments and unenforceable contracts. International Journal of Procurement Management, 13(1), 63-82. DOI: 10.1504/IJPM.2020.105196
Henkel, J. & Zischka, H. (2019) How many patents are truly valid? Extent, causes, and remedies for latent patent invalidity. European Journal of Law and Economics (2019), 48(2), 195–239, DOI: 10.1007/s10657-019-09627-4
Henkel, J., Hoffmann, A. (2019) Value capture in hierarchically organized value chains. Journal of Economics and Management Strategy, 28, 260-279, DOI: 10.1111/jems.12278.
Jell, F., Henkel, J., Wallin, M. (2017) Offensive patent portfolio races. Long Range Planning, 50, 531-549.
Block, J., Henkel, J., Schweisfurth, T., Stiegler, A. (2015) Commercializing user innovations by vertical diversification: The user-manufacturer innovator. Research Policy, 45, 244-259.
Baldwin, C., Henkel, J. (2015) Modularity and Intellectual Property Protection. Strategic Management Journal, 36(11), 1637–1655.
Filitz, R., Henkel, J., Tether, B. S. (2015) Protecting aesthetic innovations? An exploration of the use of Registered Community Designs. Research Policy, 44, 1192–1206.
Hoenig, D., Henkel, J. (2014) Productive Assets or Quality Signals? The Role of Patents and Alliances in Venture Capital Financing. Research Policy, 44, 1049–1064.
Henkel, J., Rønde, T., Wagner, M. (2014) And the winner is – acquired. Entrepreneurship as a contest yielding radical innovations. Research Policy, 44, 295-310.
Sojer, M., Alexy, O., Kleinknecht, S., Henkel, J. (2014) Understanding the drivers of unethical programming behavior in inappropriate reuse of Internet-accessible code. Journal of Management Information Systems, 31(3), 287-325, DOI: 10.1080/07421222.2014.995563.
Henkel, J., Stiegler, A., Block, J. (2016) Selling to competitors? Competitive implications of user-manufacturer integration. In: D. Harhoff and K. Lakhani (eds.), Revolutionizing Innovation: Users, Communities, and Open Innovation. Festschrift in Honor of Eric von Hippel. MIT Press: Cambridge, MA, 379-398.
Jell, F., Block, J., Henkel, J., Spiegel, F., Zischka, H. (2015) Cross-Functional Patent Management in Family Firms. Journal of Business Economics, 85: 181–203.
Henkel, J., Schöberl, S., Alexy, O. (2014) The emergence of openness: How and why firms adopt selective revealing in open innovation. Research Policy, 43, 879–890.
Schön, A., van Pottelsberghe de la Potterie, B., Henkel, J. (2014) Governance typology of universities’ technology transfer processes. Journal of Technology Transfer 39(3), 435-453.
Alexy, O., Henkel, J., Wallin, M. (2013) From closed to open: Job role changes, individual predispositions, and the adoption of commercial open source software development. Research Policy, 42, 1325-1340.
Henkel, J., Baldwin, C., Shih, W. (2013) IP Modularity: Profiting from Innovation by Aligning Product Architecture with Intellectual Property. California Management Review, 55(4), 65-82.
Fischer, T., Henkel, J. (2013) Complements and Substitutes in Profiting from Innovation – A Choice Experimental Approach. Research Policy, 42, 326-339.
Henkel, J., Block, J. (2013) Peer influence in network markets: A theoretical and empirical analysis. Journal of Evolutionary Economics, 23(5), pp 925-953.
Fischer, T., Henkel, J. (2012) Patent trolls on markets for technology – An empirical analysis of NPEs’ patent acquisitions, Research Policy 41(9), pp 1519-1533.
Waltl, J., Henkel, J., Baldwin C. Y. (2012) IP Modularity in Software Ecosystems: How SugarCRM's IP and Business Model Shape Its Product Architecture. Software Business. In: Cusumano MA, Iyer B, Venkatraman N et al. (eds), vol 114. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 94-106
Fischer, T., Henkel, J. (2012) Capturing Value from Innovation – Diverging Views of R&D and Marketing Managers. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management 59(4), 572-584.
Sojer, M., Henkel, J. (2011) License Risks from Ad-Hoc Reuse of Code from the Internet: An Empirical Investigation. Communications of the ACM (Association for Computing Machinery) 54(12), 74-81.
Jell, F., Block, J., Henkel, J. (2011). Innovativität als Kriterium bei Venture Capital-Investitionsentscheidungen Innovativeness of a start-up as a criterion in venture capital decision making: an empirical study, Kredit und Kapital, 44(4), 509-541.
Sojer, M., Henkel, J. (2010) Code Reuse in Open Source Software Development: Quantitative Evidence, Drivers, and Impediments. Journal of the Association for Information Systems 11(12), 868-901.
Henkel, J., Maurer, S. (2010) Network Effects in Biology R&D. American Economic Review 100(2), Papers and Proceedings, 159-164.
Reitzig, M., Henkel, J., Schneider, F. (2010) Collateral damage for R&D manufacturers: How patent sharks operate in markets for technology. Industrial and Corporate Change 19(3), 947-967.
Henkel, J., Maurer, S. (2009) Parts, property and sharing: Synthetic biology should look to other industries’ models for ownership and open sharing. Nature Biotechnology 27(12), 1095-1098.
Henkel, J. (2009) Champions of revealing - The role of open source developers in commercial firms. Industrial and Corporate Change 18(3), 435-471.
Henkel, J. (2008) The Risk-Return Paradox for Strategic Management: Disentangling True and Spurious Effects. Strategic Management Journal 30, 287-303.
Henkel, J., Reitzig, M. (2008) Patent Sharks. Harvard Business Review, Juni, 129-133.
Henkel, J., Block, J. (2008) Peer influence in network markets: an empirical and theoretical analysis (gekürzte Version), in: Best Paper Proceedings of the Sixtyseventh Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management.
Henkel, J., Reitzig, M. (2008) Patent sharks and the sustainability of value destruction strategies (gekürzte Version), in: Best Paper Proceedings of the Sixtyseventh Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management.
Franke, N., Gruber, M., Harhoff, D., Henkel, J. (2008) Venture Capitalists' Evaluations of Start-up Teams: Trade-offs, Knock-out Criteria, and the Impact of VC Experience. Entrepreneurship Theory & Practice 32(3), 459-483.
Alexy, O., Henkel, J. (2007) Promoting the penguin: Who is advocating open source software in commercial settings? (gekürzte Version), in: Best Paper Proceedings of the Sixtysixth Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management.
Henkel, J., Maurer, S. (2007) The economics of Synthetic Biology. Molecular Systems Biology 3, 117.
Reitzig, M., Henkel, J., Heath. C. H. (2007) On Sharks, Trolls, and Their Patent Prey - Unrealistic damage awards and firms’ strategies of "being infringed", Research Policy 36, 134-154.
Henkel, J. (2006) Selective revealing in open innovation processes: the case of embedded Linux, Research Policy 35(7), 953-969.
Henkel, J. (2006) Selective revealing in open innovation processes: the case of embedded Linux (gekürzte Version), in: K. Mark Weaver (Hrsg.), Best Paper Proceedings of the Sixtyfifth Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (CD), ISSN 1543-8643.
Franke, N., Gruber M., Harhoff D., Henkel, J. (2006) What you are is what you like - similarity biases in venture capitalists' evaluations of start-up teams, Journal of Business Venturing 21(6), 802-826.
Gruber, M., Henkel, J. (2006) New ventures based on open innovation - an empirical analysis of start-up firms in embedded Linux, International Journal of Technology Management 33(4), 356-372.
Henkel, J., von Hippel, E. (2005) Welfare implications of user innovation, Journal of Technology Transfer 30(1/2), 73-87.
Franke, N., Gruber, M., Henkel, J., Hoisl, K. (2004) Die Bewertung von Gründerteams durch Venture-Capital-Geber - Eine empirische Analyse, Die Betriebswirtschaft (DBW) 64(6), 651-669.
Henkel, J. (2004) Open source software from commercial firms - tools, complements, and collective invention, Zeitschrift für Betriebswirtschaft (ZfB), Ergänzungsheft 4/2004, 1-23.
Harhoff, D., Henkel, J., von Hippel, E. (2003) Profiting from voluntary information spillovers: How users benefit by freely revealing their innovations, Research Policy 32, 1753-1769.
Henkel, J., Kaiser, U. (2003) Fremdvergabe von IT-Dienstleistungen aus personalwirtschaftlicher Sicht, Zeitschrift für Betriebswirtschaft (ZfB), Ergänzungsheft 4/2003, 137-161.
Henkel, J., Stahl, K., Walz, U. (2003) Coalition building in a spatial economy, Journal of Urban Economics 47, 136-163.
Henkel, J. (2002) The 1.5th mover advantage, RAND Journal of Economics 33, 156-170.
Henkel, J. (2001) Buchbesprechung: Principles of Internet Marketing, Ward Hanson, Schmalenbach Business Review (ZfbF) 53, 140-141.
Henkel, J. (2000) The risk-return fallacy, Schmalenbach Business Review (ZfbF) 52, 363-373.
Working Papers
Henkel, J. (2019) Hybrid games: Integrating cooperative and noncooperative interactions in strategy analysis
Hoenig, D., Henkel, J. (2012) Patents and Alliances as Venture Capital Screening Criteria — Investigating Industry Differences.
Henkel, J., Lakhani, K. (2011) The Trend Toward 'Open' IT in the Public Sector: Motives, Choices, and Outcomes
Fischer, T., Henkel, J. (2010) Profiting from Innovation Revisited - Appropriability Mechanisms' Non-Linearities and Trade-Offs
Henkel, J., Jung, S. (2009) The Technology-Push Lead User Concept: A New Tool for Application Identification
Henkel, J., Jell, F. (2009) Alternative Motives to File for Patents: Profiting from Pendency and Publication
Henkel, J., Pangerl, S. (2008) Defensive publishing - An Empirical Study
Henkel, J., Reitzig, M. (2007) Patent sharks and the sustainability of value destruction strategies.
Henkel, J. (2004) The Jukebox Mode of innovation - a model of commercial open source development, CEPR Discussion Paper 4507.
Publications in Physics
Floquet analysis of wave functions of atoms interacting with a short, strong laser pulse" (mit T. Millack und V. Véniard), Physical Letters A 176, S. 433-438, 1993.
"A theoretical discussion of strong laser field effects: intense, short pulses interacting with atoms and molecules" (mit P. Connerade, K. Cohnen und K. Dietz), Journal of Physics B 25, S. 3771-3796, 1992.
"Transitions induced by separatrix crossing" (mit K. Dietz und M. Holthaus), Physical Review A 45, S. 4960-4968, 1992.
"Classical resonances in quantum mechanics" (mit M. Holthaus), Phyiscal Review A 45, S. 1978-1986., 1992.
Offene Innovationsprozesse - Die kommerzielle Entwicklung von Open-Source-Software, Gabler, 2007.
Open-Source-Software - Eine ökonomische und technische Analyse (mit B. Brügge, D. Harhoff, A. Picot, O. Creighton und M. Fiedler), Springer Verlag, 2004.
Standorte, Nachfrageexternalitäten und Preisankündigungen, Heidelberg: Physica-Verlag, 1997.
As editor:
Gründungsmanagement - wie Jungunternehmer Ideen finden, Strategien entwickeln und Wachstum erzielen, M. Gruber, J. Henkel, R. Witzler (Hrsg.), F.A.Z.-Institut, 2002.
E-Commerce und E-Payment, R. Teichmann, M. Nonnenmacher, J. Henkel (Hrsg.), Gabler, 2001
Contributions to Conference Proceedings
Software development in embedded Linux - informal collaboration of competing firms", in: Proceedings der 6. Internationalen Tagung Wirtschaftsinformatik 2003, Dresden, September 2003.
"Customization and innovation - user innovation toolkits for simulator software (mit S. Thies), in: Proceedings, Congress on Mass Customization and Personalization (MCPC 2003), München, Oktober 2003
"Embedded Linux - Informal collaborative software development by commercial firms", in: Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Management of Technology (IAMOT2003), Nancy, Frankreich, Mai 2003.
Book Chapters
Synthetic Biology: Solving the Pharmaceutical Industry’s Innovation Problems? (with R. Lüttke) in: "Synbio and Human Health".
"Corporate Venturing" (mit M. Gruber), in: S. Albers, O. Gassmann (Hrsg.), Handbuch Technologie- und Innovationsmanagement, Gabler, S. 137-153, 2005.
"Paradigmenwechsel in der Software-Industrie durch Open Source - Ökonomische und historische Aspekte", in: A. Picot, S. Doeblin (Hrsg.),Open Source, Tagungsband zur Fachkonferenz "Open Source" des Münchner Kreis, Hüthig, S. 19-28, 2004.
"Identifikation innovativer Nutzer in virtuellen Communities" (mit J. Sander), in: C. Herstatt, B. Verworn (Hrsg.), Management der frühen Innovationsphasen, Gabler, S. 73-102, 2003.
"Mobile Payment - Handygestützte Bezahlverfahren", in: G. Silberer, J. Wohlfahrt, T. Wilhelm (Hrsg.), Mobile Commerce, Gabler, S. 327-351, 2001.
"Preissetzung im E-Commerce", in: S. Kurz, M. Reinhardt, N. Strömsdörfer (Hrsg.), E-Commerce - Wettbewerbsvorteile realisieren, Deutscher Sparkassen Verlag, S. 96-122, 2001.
"Anforderungen an Zahlungsverfahren im E-Commerce", in: R. Teichmann, M. Nonnenmacher, J. Henkel (Hrsg.), E-Commerce und E-Payment, Gabler, S. 103-121, 2001.
"Magnetoelektronik aus Sicht der Innovationsforschung", in: VDI Verein Deutscher Ingenieure (Hrsg.), Magnetoelektronik - Zukunftsperspektive für Forschung und Technologie in Deutschland, S. 175-186, 2000.
Seminar and Conference Presentations
Patent trolls on markets for technology – An empirical analysis of trolls’ patent acquisitions (with T. Fischer). Strategy Seminar, Fuqua School of Business, Duke University, 06.04.2011.
Complements and Substitutes in Value Appropriation – An Empirical Analysis of Patents‘ Interactions (with T. Fischer). TIES Seminar, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 04.04.2011.
And the Winner is – Acquired. Entrepreneurship as a Contest with Acquisition as the Prize (with T. Rønde and M. Wagner). Networked Business Seminar, Harvard Business School, Boston, 29.03.2011.
And the Winner is – Acquired. Entrepreneurship as a Contest with Acquisition as the Prize (with T. Rønde and M. Wagner). Forschungsseminar, WHU Otto Beisheim School of Management, Vallendar, 08.03.2001.
And the Winner is – Acquired. Entrepreneurship as a Contest with Acquisition as the Prize (with T. Rønde and M. Wagner). MTIE Research Seminar, EPFL (École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne), 04.03.2011.
And the Winner is – Acquired. Entrepreneurship as a Contest with Acquisition as the Prize (with T. Rønde and M. Wagner). Industrieökonomisches Seminar, Universität der Bundeswehr, München, 07.02.2011.
Patent trolls on markets for technology - An empirical analysis of trolls' patent acquisitions (with T. Fischer). Seminar on Innovation, UC Berkeley, 07.10.2009.
Modularity for value appropriation - Drawing the boundaries of intellectual property (with C. Baldwin). Topics in Open Innovation Seminar, UC Berkeley, 05.10.2009.
The risk-return trade-off in private equity - What is the risk premium really? (with C. Kaserer). Strategic Risk Management Conference, CopenhagenBusinessSchool, 16.06.2009
Optimizing the trade-off between "open" and "proprietary" (with T. Fischer) Workshop on Intellectual Property Law an Open & User Innovation, MTTSloanSchool of Management, Cambridge, 19.05.2009
The emergence of openness as a dimension of competition (with S. Käs). Scancor/DRUID Conference on Distributed Innovation. Stanford University, 27.03.2008.
Patent sharks and the sustainability of value destruction strategies (with M. Reitzig). Corporate Intellectual Property Workshop. Copenhagen Business School, Copenhagen, 07.12.2007.
The modularity of intellectual property (with C. Baldwin). Seminar at London Business School. London, 30.11.2007.
The modularity of intellectual property (with C. Baldwin). Seminar at Tanaka Business School, Imperial College. London, 27.11.2007.
Peer influence in network markets – a theoretical and empirical analysis (with J. Block). CESPRI Seminar. Bocconi University, Mailand, 31.10.2007.
Peer influence in network markets – a theoretical analysis (with J. Block). Jahrestagung des Vereins für Socialpolitik (VfS). München, 12.10.2007.
Promoting the penguin: Who is advocating open source software in commercial settings? (mit O. Alexy). Academy of Management Meeting. Philadelphia, USA, 07.08.2007.
Champions of revealing – the role of open source developers in commercial firms. Academy of Management Meeting. Philadelphia, USA, 07.08.2007.
Alternatives to the patent arms race: An empirical study of Defensive Publishing (mit S. Pangerl). Academy of Management Meeting. Philadelphia, USA, 06.08.2007.
Alternatives to the patent arms race: An empirical study of Defensive Publishing (mit S. Pangerl). R&D Management Conference 2007. Bremen, 05.07.2007.
The technology-push lead user concept: A new tool for opportunity identification (mit S. Jung). 5th International Workshop on User Innovation. Copenhagen Business School, Copenhagen, 28.06.2007.
Rethinking industry practice – the emergence of openness as a dimension of competition (mit S. Käs). 5th International Workshop on User Innovation. Copenhagen Business School, Copenhagen, 27.06.2007.
On the economics of Synthetic Biology: Is openness feasible? (mit S. Maurer). Synthetic Biology 3.0. ETH Zürich, 25.06.2007.
Peer influence in network markets: A theoretical analysis (mit J. Block). Jahrestagung des Ausschusses für Industrieökonomik im Verein für Socialpolitik. Berlin, 12.03.2007.
Promoting the penguin: Who is advocating open source software in commercial settings? (mit O. Alexy). Research Seminar, Boston University. Boston, 20.02.2007.
Promoting the penguin: Who is advocating open source software in commercial settings? (mit O. Alexy). 2nd Annual Conference on Institutional Mechanisms for Industry Self-Regulation, Harvard Business School. Boston, 17.02.2007.
The Technology-Push Lead User Concept - A new tool for opportunity recognition (mit S. Jung). Front End of Innovation EUROPE. München, 25.01.2007.
Promoting the penguin: Who is advocating open source software in commercial settings? (mit O. Alexy). Innovation Brown Bag Seminar, ETH Zürich. Zürich, 16.11.2006.
Venture capitalists' evaluations of start-up teams: Trade-offs, knock-out criteria, and the impact of VC experience (mit N. Franke, M. Gruber und D. Harhoff). G-Forum (Jahreskonferenz des Förderkreises Gründungs-Forschung, FGF). Berlin, 08.11.2006.
On sharks, trolls, and their patent prey - ‘Being infringed' as a normatively induced innovation exploitation strategy (mit M. Reitzig und C. Heath). Jahrestagung der TIM-Kommission im VHB, Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien. Wien, 26.10.2006.
The value of modularity in intellectual property management - Selective revealing in semi-open innovation processes (mit C. Baldwin). DIME Workshop "Modularity and Open Innovation", Universität Bocconi. Mailand, 06.10.2006.
Defensivpublikationen im Patentdickicht: Alternativen zu Patentierung und Geheimhaltung (mit S. Pangerl). Brown Bag Seminar, Institut der deutschen Wirtschaft. Köln, 29.09.2006.
On sharks, trolls, and their patent prey - ‘Being infringed' as a normatively induced innovation exploitation strategy (mit M. Reitzig und C. Heath). 1st Annual Conference of the EPIP Association (European Policy for Intellectual Property). München, 07.09.2006.
Venture capitalists' evaluations of start-up teams: Trade-offs, knock-out criteria, and the impact of VC experience (mit N. Franke, M. Gruber und D. Harhoff). Academy of Management Meeting. Atlanta, USA, 15.08.2006.
Selective revealing in open innovation processes - The case of embedded Linux. Academy of Management Meeting. Atlanta, USA, 14.08.2006.
Opportunity identification: Employing Lead Users in technology push innovations (mit S. Jung). 4th International Workshop on User Innovation, Technische Universität München. München, 14.07.2006.
Chances and risks of open innovation - The role of open source developers in commercial firms. BETA Seminar, Université Louis Pasteur. Strasbourg, 03.07.2006.
Chances and risks of open innovation - The role of open source developers in commercial firms. EconomiX Research Seminar, Université Paris X Nanterre. Paris, 29.06.2006.
The jukebox mode of innovation - A model of commercial open source development. DRUID Conference (Danish Research Unit on Industrial Dynamics), Copenhagen Business School. Kopenhagen, 20.06.2006.
The jukebox mode of innovation - A model of commercial open source development. 68. Jahrestagung des Verbandes der Hochschullehrer für Betriebswirtschaft e.V. Dresden, 07.06.2006.
Defensive publishing - Clearings in the patent thicket (mit S. Pangerl). CESPRI Seminar Series (Centre of Research on Innovation and Internationalization), Universität Bocconi. Mailand, 24.05.2006.
Defensive Publishing - Clearings in the patent thicket (mit S. Pangerl). MTIE Seminar, Sloan School of Management, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Cambridge, USA, 03.04.2006.
Open for business? The future of openness in synthetic biology. Berkeley Workshop on Synthetic Biology, University of California at Berkeley. Berkeley, 31.03.2006.
Defensive publishing - Clearings in the patent thicket (mit S. Pangerl). RIPE Workshop (Research on Intellectual Property Economics and Strategy), Copenhagen Business School. Kopenhagen, 30.11.2005.
Learning from laggards (mit M. Gruber). Use of Technology and Science Symposium. Oslo, 29.10.2005.
Free revealing in commercial open source development - The case of Embedded Linux. Lunch Seminar at Harvard Business School. Boston, 29.06.2005.
Opportunities and risks of open innovation: the role of open source programmers in commercial firms. 3rd International Workshop on User Innovation, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Cambridge, USA, 27.06.2005.
Patterns of free revealing: Balancing code sharing and protection in commercial open source development. EURAM 2005 (European Academy of Management). München, 07.05.2005.
Protecting IP on the operational level - Open source programmers as gatekeepers or leaks? 5th EPIP Conference (European Policy on Intellectual Property). Kopenhagen, 10.03.2005.
"Free, IP, or secrecy - Balancing code sharing and protection in commercial open source development", 4th EPIP Conference "European Policy and Intellectual Property: History and Economics", Paris, October 1-2, 2004.
"The jukebox mode of innovation - a model of commercial open source development", V. Symposium zur ökonomischen Analyse der Unternehmung, GEABA, Bonn, September 2-4, 2004.
"The jukebox mode of innovation - a model of commercial open source development", 4th ZEW Conference on the Economics of Information and Communication Technologies, Mannheim, July 2-3, 2004.
"Free disclosure of innovations: the case of embedded Linux", Oxford Workshop on Libre and Open Source Software (OWLS), Oxford Internet Institute, June 25-27, 2004.
"Secrecy, IP or free - Balancing code sharing and protection in commercial open source development", Munich/MIT Workshop on User Innovation and Open Source Software, Munich, June 21-22, 2004.
"Open-Source-Aktivitäten von Unternehmen - Eine empirische Untersuchung von Embedded Linux", Jahrestagung des Verbandes der Hochschullehrer für Betriebswirtschaft (VHB), Graz, June 1-3, 2004.
"Who really profits from patent infringements? A comparative international analysis of innovation and imitation incentives from patent indemnification rules", 1st RIPE Workshop (Research on Intellectual Property Economics and Strategy), Copenhagen Business School, May 27-29, 2004.
"The Jukebox Mode of Innovation - Informal Cooperation in the Development of Embedded Linux", Research Seminar, Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB), Solvay Business School, Brussels, May 6, 2004.
"Informal collaboration in commercial open source development: An empirical study of embedded Linux", ZEW Research Seminar, Mannheim, April 17, 2004.
"Paradigmenwechsel in der Software-Industrie durch Open Source - Ökonomische und historische Aspekte", Fachkonferenz "Open Source", Münchner Kreis, München, February 5, 2004.
"R&D co-operation without a contract - the case of embedded Linux", Jahrestagung der Kommission Technologie- und Innovationsmanagement im Verband der Hochschullehrer für Betriebswirtschaft, München, October 24, 2003.
"Customization and innovation - User innovation toolkits for simulator software" (mit S. Thies), Congress on Mass Customization and Personalization (MCPC 2003), München, October 5, 2003.
"Who really profits from patent infringements? Innovation incentives and disincentives from patent indemnification rules" (mit C. Heath and M. Reitzig), Jahrestagung des Vereins für Socialpolitik, Zürich, October 2, 2003.
"Software development in embedded Linux - informal collaboration of competing firms", 6. Internationale Tagung Wirtschaftsinformatik (WI2003), Dresden, September 18, 2003.
"Software development in embedded Linux - informal collaboration of competing firms", Arbeitsgemeinschaft Methoden des Software und Systems Engineerings, Technische Universität München, Department für Informatik, August 14, 2003.
"The risk-return paradox for strategic management - Disentangling true and spurious effects", Academy of Management Meeting, Seattle, USA, August 2003.
"What you are is what you like – similarity biases in venture capitalists' evaluations of start-up teams" (mit N. Franke, M. Gruber, und D. Harhoff), Academy of Management Meeting, Seattle, USA, August 2003.
"Who Really Profits from Patent Infringements? Innovation Incentives and Disincentives from Patent Indemnification Rules" (mit C. Heath und M. Reitzig), Academy of Management Meeting, Seattle, USA, August 2003.
"Embedded Linux - Informal collaborative software development by commercial firms", 12th International Conference on Management of Technology (IAMOT2003), Nancy, Frankreich, Mai 2003.
"R&D collaboration without a contract - the case of embedded Linux", 3rd European Academy of Management Conference (EURAM 2003), Mailand, Italien, April 2003.
"What you are is what you like – similarity biases in venture capitalists evaluations of start-up teams" (mit N. Franke, M. Gruber und D. Harhoff), 6. Kolloquium zur Personalökonomie, Zürich, 26.03.03.
"Die Bewertung von Gründerteams durch Venture Capital-Geber" (mit N. Franke, M. Gruber und K. Hoisl), Jahrestagung der Kommission Technologie- und Innovationsmanagement im Verband der Hochschullehrer für Betriebswirtschaft, Stuttgart, 25.10.02.
"Open source software from commercial firms - tools, complements, and collective invention", GEABA Symposium 2002, Berlin, 02.10.02.
"The strength of weak commitments", Organizational Economics Seminar, Sloan School of Management, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, USA, 26.09.02.
"Collective invention in software: The case of embedded Linux", MTIE Seminar, Sloan School of Management, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, USA, 18.09.02.
Die Effekte von Firmengröße, Qualifikationsstruktur und Weiterbildung auf die Outsourcingentscheidung von IT-Dienstleistungen" (mit U. Kaiser), Köln-Bonner Kolloquium zur Personalökonomie, Bonn, 08.03.02.
"Preissetzung im E-Commerce", ZEW-Seminar "E-Commerce - Wettbewerbsvorteile realisieren", 28.06.01
"Online-Communities und Innovationen", dmmv-Workshop "Business Communities", 28.02.01
"Erfolgsfaktoren von B2B-Marktplätzen", Itrade-Workshop, 2.2.01
"Neue Geschäftsmodelle durch Neue Medien: Der Internet-CD-Handel", Medientage München, 7.11.2000
Vorlesungen über E-Commerce (Graduiertenkolleg der Universität Tübingen, 7/00)
1. Was ist neu am E-Commerce? . a) Beispiele . b) Mythen und Besonderheiten 2. E-Commerce: Marktstrukturen und Wettbewerb 3. B2B-Marktplätze 4. Modell zu Netzwerkeffekten "Magnetoelektronik aus Sicht der Innovationsforschung", Statusseminar Magnetoelektronik, veranstaltet vom VDI Verein Deutscher Ingenieure, Dresden 14.-16.06.00.
Articles in Newspapers and Non-Peer-Reviewed Journals
"Zuviel Schutz schadet - warum Patente auf Software problematisch sind" (Too much protection does more harm than good - why software patents are problematic), in: VDI-Nachrichten, 29.11.02.
"Software-Patente - Hilfe oder Hürde für Start-ups?", in: FAZ.NET, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung im WWW, 14.11.02 [to the article].
"Start-ups und Linux (3) - Neue Regeln für die Kunden", in: FAZ.NET, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung im WWW, 12.09.02 [to the article].
"Start-ups und Linux (2) - Schutz von Wettbewerbsvorteilen", in: FAZ.NET, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung im WWW, 05.09.02 [to the article].
"Start-ups und Linux (1) - Gründen mit dem Pinguin", in: FAZ.NET, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung im WWW, 22.08.02 [to the article]
"All Stars and Boygroups - die zentrale Bedeutung des Gründerteams" (mit K. Hoisl), in: FAZ.NET, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung im WWW, 16.05.02 [to the article]
"The Political Dimension of Payment System Innovations: The Case of Mobile Payments" (mit F. Zimmermann), in: IPTS Report 63(Institute for Prospective Technological Studies). Special Issue: e-Payment Systems Challenges for Europe, 2002 [to the article].
"Stiftung Warentest ist der heimliche Star im Internet", Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, 02.05.02
"Innovationen für übermorgen", in: FAZ.NET, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung im WWW, 14.03.02 [to the article]
"Imitation von Gründungsideen", in: FAZ.NET, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung im WWW, 18.10.01 [to the article]
"Bezahlen mit dem Handy - viele Anbieter, aber noch kein Standard", in: Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, 16.08.01.
"Drahtlos gründen", in: FAZ.NET, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung im WWW, 16.08.01 [to the article]
"Einer speichert alles. MRAM - der lange Weg zum Universalspeicher" (mit S. Mengel), in: c't 18/2001.
"Tanz mit dem Gorilla (2): wie Start-ups mit etablierten Unternehmen kooperieren", in: FAZ.NET, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung im WWW, 14.06.01 [to the article]
"Tanz mit dem Gorilla (1): wenn Start-ups einen Partner in der Old Economy suchen ", in: FAZ.NET, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung im WWW, 08.06.01 [to the article]
"Eile mit Weile: Internet-Start-ups dürfen ihre Internationalisierung nicht überstürzen", in: FAZ.NET, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung im WWW, 06.04.01 [to the article]
"E-Payment: wie der Rubel ins Rollen kommt, in: c't 6/2001.
"MRAM - Revolution der Halbleiterindustrie?" (mit S. Mengel), in: Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, 05.03.01.
"Eintrittsbarrieren im E-Commerce", in: FAZ.NET, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung im WWW, 18.01.01 [to the article]
"E-Commerce ohne Grenzen - Ist Shopping im Web automatisch global?" (mit M. Benning), in: c't 25/2000.
"Auch im Internet bleibt der Kunde ungekrönt", in: Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, 09.10.00.
"Neue Zahlungsverfahren setzen sich im Internet nur langsam durch", in: Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, 25.05.00.
"Bekannte Internet-Händler haben selten die günstigsten Preise", in: Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, 17.02.00.