1. Which requirements must be fulfilled?

In accordance with the doctoral regulations of the Faculty of Law of the University of Augsburg, which apply to me, I only supervise doctoral theses in law for candidates who have achieved the overall grade "fully satisfactory" in at least one law examination.

The supervision of doctoral theses for Dr. rer. pol. or Dr. phil. at the Faculty of Economic Sciences of the Technical University of Munich is possible in principle. However, I only supervise candidates with a degree in economics. Holders of other degrees are only accepted for doctoral studies if they have at least completed a commercial education.


2. How do I get in touch?

Please send requests for doctoral supervision via e-mail to christoph.ann(at)


3. What should be the content of an inquiry?

The request should include a short CV with exam grades.

Examples of completed and current doctorates can be found here.

PhD candidates

Currently supervised dissertations

  • "On the Legality of Gene Patents in South Africa" (Ugreson Maistry)
  • "Neuheit im Patentrecht der USA" (Thomas Buchenau)
  • "License Agreements on Technology Standards and their Implications for Contemporary Intellectual Property Law" (Paola Karam)
  • "3D-Marke - Möglichkeit zur Umgehung des Geschmacksmusterrechts?" (Alexander Thiermann)
  • "Die Neuheitsschonfrist im Patentrecht" (Verena Dormann)
  • "The Fine Balance Between Innovation And Access To Health in Emerging Economies - A Study Of India And Brazil" (Vinita Radhakrishnan)
  • "Nationaler Rechtsschutz gegen Entscheidungen supranationaler Organisationen am Beispiel des EPA" (Patrick Schmidt)
  • "Verfügungen über das Prioritätsrecht an der Erfindung" (Sebastian Kratzer)
  • "Der Entschädigungsanspruch nach § 33 PatG" (Alexandra Speer)
  • "Erfinderpersönlichkeitsrecht - Begriff und Erforderlichkeit" (Sarah Schulitz)
  • "The role of the African Telecommunications Union in mobile communication technology standardization" (Wayne Chinembiri)
  • "B2B data sharing for AI development" (Marta Duque Lizarralde)
  • "Patentämter zwischen wirtschaftlichem Erteilungsdruck und Erhaltung der Patentqualität" (Tobias Sießmeir)
  • "Der Schutz der Lizenz im Recht des Geistigen Eigentums" (Alexander Fischer)

Finished dissertations