Publications Alumni
Alexy, Oliver
Block, Jörn
Filitz, Rainer
Fischer, Timo
Hoenig, Daniel
Hoffmann, Alexander
Jell, Florian
Lernbecher, Stefanie (née Pangerl)
Lüttke, Robert
Sojer, Manuel
Schön, Anja
Spiegel, Frank
Stiegler, Annika (née Bock)
Wagner, Magnus
Waltl, Josef
Publications Prof. Dr. Oliver Alexy
For full publication list, please click here.
Publications Prof. Dr. Jörn Block
Most papers can be downloaded here.
Long-term orientation of family firms, Dissertation TU München, Gabler Verlag: Wiesbaden (ISBN 978-3-8349-1959-5).
Contributions to Edited Books
Block, J., Henkel, J. (im Druck). Wertaneignung – von Innovation profitieren. In: C. Weinmann, P. Münch, J. Herren, Schweizer IP-Handbuch, Helbing Lichtenhahn Verlag.
Henkel, J., Bock, A., Block, J. (in press). Selling to competitors – competitive implications of user-manufacturer integration. In: D. Harhoff, K. Lakhani (eds.), Essays in honor of Eric von Hippel, MIT press.
Block, J., de Vries, G. Sandner, P. (2012). Venture capital and the financial crisis: an empirical study across industries and countries. in: D. Cumming (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Venture Capital, Oxford University Press.
Block, J., Kohn, K. (2011).Sozialpolitische Ziele der Gründungsförderung am Beispiel von Gründungen aus der Arbeitslosigkeit. in: N. Irsch, P. Witt (Hrsg.), Gründungsförderung in Theorie und Praxis, KfW Research, S. 69-93.
Block, J. (2011). Zur Gründungskultur in Deutschland: Persönlichkeitseigenschaften als Gründungshemmnis? in: N. Irsch, P. Witt (Hrsg.), Gründungsförderung in Theorie und Praxis, KfW Research, S. 131-143.
Articles in Peer-Reviewed Journals
Henkel, J., Block, J. (2012) Peer Influence in Network Markets: A Theoretical Analysis. Journal of Evolutionary Economics, accepted for publication.
Hoogerheide, L., Block, J., Thurik, R. (in press). Family background variables as instruments for education in income regressions: a Bayesian analysis. Economics of Education Review.
Block, J., Sandner, P., Spiegel, F. (in press). How do risk attitudes differ within the group of entrepreneurs? The role of motivation and procedural utility. Journal of Small Business Management.
Block, J., Thurik, R., Zhou, H. (in press). What turns knowledge into innovative products? The role of entrepreneurship and knowledge spillovers. Journal of Evolutionary Economics.
Block, J., Thurik, R., Walter, Van der Zwan, P., Walter, S. (in press). Business takeover or new venture? Individual and environmental determinants from a cross-country study. Entrepreneurship: Theory and Practice.
Alexy, O., Block, J, Sandner, P., Ter Wal, A. (in press). Social capital of venture capitalists and start-up funding. Small Business Economics.
Block, J., Hoogerheide, L., Thurik, R. (in press). Education and entrepreneurial choice: an instrumental variables analysis. International Small Business Journal.
Lau, J., Block, J. (in press). Corporate cash holdings and their implications on firm value in family and founder firms. Corporate Ownership and Control.
Block, J. (2012). R&D investments in family and founder firms: an agency perspective. Journal of Business Venturing, 27(2): 248-265.
Jell, F., Block, J., Henkel, F. (2011). Innovativität als Kriterium bei Venture Capital Entscheidungen. Kredit und Kapital, 44(4): 509-541.
De Vries, G., Block, J. (2011). Venture capital syndication in times of economic crisis. Venture Capital–an International Journal of Entrepreneurial Finance, 13(3): 195-213.
Block, J., Miller, D., Jaskiewicz, P. (2011). Ownership versus management effects on performance in family and founder companies: a Bayesian reconciliation. Journal of Family Business Strategy, 2(4): 232-245.
Sandner, P., Block, J. (2011). The market value of R&D, patents and trademarks. Research Policy, 40(7): 969-985.
Block, J., Sandner, P., Wagner, M. (2011). Unternehmensgründungen von Ausländern in Deutschland: Einkommenseffekte und Implikationen für die Gründungslehre. Soziale Welt – Zeitschrift für Sozialwissenschaftliche Forschung, 62(1): 7-23.
Block, J. (2011). How to pay a non-family manager in a family business – a multi-task principal-agent model. Family Business Review, 24(1): 9-27.
Block, J. (2010). The impact of family management and family ownership on downsizing: evidence from S&P 500 firms. Family Business Review, 23(2): 1-22.
Block, J., Wagner, M. (2010). Necessity and opportunity entrepreneurs in Germany: characteristics and earnings differentials. Schmalenbach Business Review, 62(2): 154-174.
Block, J., Sandner, P. (2009). What is the effect of the current financial crisis on venture capital-financing? Empirical evidence from US internet start-ups. Venture Capital–an International Journal of Entrepreneurial Finance, 11(4): 295-309.
Block, J., Köllinger, P. (2009). I can’t get no satisfaction – necessity entrepreneurship and procedural utility. Kyklos, 62(1): 191-209.
Block, J., Sandner, P. (2009). Necessity and opportunity entrepreneurs and their duration in self-employment: evidence from German micro data. Journal of Industry, Competition and Trade, 9(2): 117-137.
Sandner, P., Block, J., Lutz, A. (2008). Determinanten des Erfolgs staatlich geförderter Existenz-gründungen – eine empirische Untersuchung. Zeitschrift für Betriebswirtschaft, 78(7/8): 753-777.
Block, J., Köllinger, P. (2007). Peer influence in network markets – an empirical investigation. Schmalenbach Business Review, 59(4): 364-386.
Journal Articles with Editorial Review
Block, J., Sandner, P. (2011). Venture capital funding in the middle of the year 2011: are we back to pre-crisis boom levels? Strategic Change. Briefings in Entrepreneurial Finance, 20(5-6): 161-169.
Block, J., Sandner, P. (2009). Wie wirkt sich die Finanzkrise auf Venture-Capital-Finanzierungen aus? FINANZ BETRIEB, 7/8: 427-432.
Lutz, A., Block, J., Spiegel, F. (2009). Unglücklich trotz Erfolg – Faktoren für die Zufriedenheit von Gründern. Wirtschaftpsychologie aktuell, 1: 9-11.
Block, J., Thams, A. (2007). Bayesianische Ökonometrie. WiSt –Wirtschaftswissenschaftliches Studium, 4: 205-208.
Best Paper Proceedings
Block, J., Miller, D., Jaskiewicz, P., Spiegel, F. (2011). Innovation in Founder and Family Firms: Entrepreneurial versus Nurturer Identities of Owners. BCERC Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research.
Block, J., Thurik, R., Zhou, H. (2010). What turns knowledge into innovative products? The role of entrepreneurship and knowledge spillovers. BCERC Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research.
Block, J., Sandner, P., Spiegel, F. (2010). Do risk attitudes differ within the group of entrepreneurs? Best Paper Proceedings of the Sixty-Ninth Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management.
Block, J., Thams, A. (2008). Long-term orientation in family firms: a Bayesian analysis of R&D spending. Best Paper Proceedings of the Sixty-Seventh Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management.
Henkel, J., Block, J. (2008). Peer influence in network markets: a theoretical analysis. Best Paper Proceedings of the Sixty-Seventh Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management.
Block, J., Wagner, M. (2007) Opportunity recognition and exploitation by necessity and opportunity entrepreneurs: empirical evidence from earnings equations. Best Paper Proceedings of the Sixty-Sixth Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management.
Completed Working Papers (R&R at ERJ, ISBJ, JEEC, ResPol, and ZfKE)
Commercializing own user innovations inhouse – benefits and challenges of manufacturer-user integration (with A. Bock and J. Henkel).
Family firms and regional innovation activity: evidence from the German Mittelstand (with F. Spiegel).
Peer influence in network markets: a theoretical and empirical analysis (with J. Henkel).
Technological importance and economic value of innovations in large family and founder firms: an analysis of patent data. (with D. Miller, P. Jaskiewicz, and F. Spiegel).
Are education and entrepreneurial income endogenous? A Bayesian analysis (with R. Thurik and L. Hoogerheide).
Regionale Bedeutung von Familienunternehmen in Westdeutschland (with F. Spiegel).
Cross-functional management in family firms – a stewardship theory perspective (with. F. Jell, J. Henkel, F. Spiegel, and H. Zischka).
The effect of family ownership on different dimensions of corporate social responsibility (with M. Wagner).
Corporate social responsibility in large family and founder firms (with M. Wagner).
National culture and mode of entry into entrepreneurship (with S. Walter).
Attractive supervisors: How does the gender of the supervisor influence the intellectual performance of the supervisees? (with P. Koellinger)
Partitioning socioemotional wealth to stitch together the effectual family enterprise (with I. Ali, E. Lutz, and S. Sarasvathy).
The influence of geographical proximity and industry similarity in a business angel’s investment choice (with L. Berchicci and P. Sandner).
Trademark families: characteristics and market values (with P. Sandner)
Policy Papers
Block, J., Brockmann, H., Kohn, K., Staak, T. (2009). Thesen zur Ausgestaltung der Gründungsförderung – wirtschaftspolitische Implikationen abgeleitet aus der Aufarbeitung theoretischer und empirischer Literatur, Papier des FGF/KfW-Arbeitskreises “Gründungen und Wirtschaftspolitik”.
Block, J., Brockmann, H., Klandt, H., Kohn, K. (2008). Gründungshemmnisse in Marktmechanismen und Marktumfeld–Facetten empirischer Evidenz, Papier des FGF/KfW- Arbeitskreises “Gründungen und Wirtschaftspolitik”.
Block, J., Staak, T., Tilleßen, P. (2007). Theoretische Argumente für staatliche Eingriffe in das Gründungsgeschehen, Papier des FGF/KfW-Arbeitskreises “Gründungen und Wirtschaftspolitik”.
Newspapers, Magazines, and Electronic Newsletters
Block, J., Sandner, M., Wagner, M. (2010). Profitieren Ausländer stärker von der Selbständigkeit als Deutsche? News2Use 9/2010.
Block, J., Thurik, R., Zhou, H. (2009). Kennis leidt niet als vanzelf tot economische groei. 11/2009.
Block, J., Lutz, A., Sandner, P., Spiegel, F. (2009). Welche Gründer sind besonders glücklich? Newsletter News2Use 11/2009.
Block, J., Sandner, P. (2009). Welche Auswirkungen hat die aktuelle Finanzkrise auf Venture-Capital-Finanzierungen?
Block, J., Thams, A. (2008). Four barriers to long-term thinking. Family Business Network enews.
Sandner, P., Block, J., Lutz; A. (2008). Fünf Faktoren die bestimmen, wie schnell Sie von der Selbständigkeit leben können. Newsletter News2Use 5/2008.
Sandner, P., Block, J., Lutz, A. (2008). Wann sind staatlich geförderte Existenzgründungen tragfähig?
Wagner, M., Block, J., Weiglein, M. (2008). Gründungen durch Ausländer – eine empirische Untersuchung der Einkommenseffekte. Gründung aktuell, 27.
Block, J., Wagner, M. (2007). Unterschiedliche Eigenschaften von Not- und Opportunitätsgründern und ihre Auswirkungen auf den Erfolg der Selbständigkeit. Gründung aktuell, 23
Block, J., Wagner, M. (2007). Motivation der Entscheidung zur Selbständigkeit: Leben Gründungen aus der Not heraus kürzer? Gründung aktuell, 20.
Media Coverage
Teile und Hersche, IMPULSE, 30.6.2011.
Gründen Frauen anders? ZEIT-ONLINE, 29.9.2009.
Viel Arbeit stellt zufrieden. Studie von Grü analysiert Zufriedenheitsfaktor bei Selbständigen. Internet World Business, 12.10.09.
Im Alleingang durch die Krise, Wirtschaftswoche, 30.3.2009.
Publications Dr. Rainer Filitz
Filitz, R. (2015). Design, Competition, and Intellectual Property Rights. Dissertation, Technische Universität München.
Articles in journals
Filitz, R., Henkel, J., Tether, B.S. (2015). Protecting aesthetic innovations? An exploration of the use of registered community designsResearch Policy 44(6): 1192–1206.
Filitz, R., Kierzkowska, A.M., Broda, M., Müller, C.R. (2012). Highly Efficient CO2 Sorbents: Development of Synthetic, Calcium-Rich Dolomites. Environmental Science & Technology 46(1): 559-565.
Working papers
Filitz, R., Henkel, J. (2015). Competing in Design: Differentiation, Imitation, and Value Capture.
Filitz, R., Tether, B.S. (2015). Single Market; Same Practices? The Use of Intellectual Property Rights by German and UK firms.
Publications Dr. Timo Fischer
Publications in Peer-reviewed Journals
Fischer, T., Henkel, J. (In print) Complements and Substitutes in Profiting from Innovation – A Choice Experimental Approach, Research Policy.
Fischer, T., Henkel, J. (2012) Patent trolls on markets for technology – An empirical analysis of NPEs’ patent acquisitions, Research Policy 41(9), pp 1519-1533
Capturing Value from Innovation – Diverging Views of R&D and Marketing Managers. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management 59(4), 572-584.
Working Papers
Fischer, T., Henkel, J. (2010) Profiting from Innovation Revisited - Appropriability Mechanisms' Non-Linearities and Trade-Offs
Publications Dr. Daniel Hoenig
Articles in journals
Hoenig, D., Henkel, J. (2015) Productive Assets or Quality Signals? The Role of Patents and Alliances in Venture Capital Financing. Research Policy, in press, doi:10.1016/j.respol.2014.11.011.
Thun, J.-H., Hoenig, D. (2011): An Empirical Analysis of Supply Chain Risk Management in the German Automotive Industry. International Journal of Production Economics 131(1), 242-249.
Thun, J.-H., Drüke, M., Hoenig, D. (2011): Managing Uncertainty - an Empirical Analysis of Supply Chain Risk Management in Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises. International Journal of Production Research 49(18), 5511-5525.
Working papers
Hoenig, D., Henkel, J. (2012) Patents and Alliances as Venture Capital Screening Criteria — Investigating Industry Differences.
Conference presentations
Hoenig, D. (2012): Patents and Alliances as Venture Capitalist Screening Criteria - Investigating Industry Differences (with Henkel, J.), Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Boston, 3-7 August 2012
Hoenig, D. (2012): Productive assets or quality signals? The role of patents and alliances in venture capital financing (with Henkel, J.), Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Boston, 3-7 August 2012
Hoenig, D. (2011): On patents and alliances as VC screening criteria – investigating the influence of industry affiliation and VC experience (with Henkel, J.), 15th Annual Interdisciplinary Entrepreneurship Conference (G-Forum), Zurich, 2-4 November 2011
Hoenig, D. (2011): Property rights or quality signals? The role of patents in venture capital financing (with Henkel, J.), First Annual European Strategy, Entrepreneurship & Innovation (SEI) Doctoral Consortium, HEC Paris, 8-9 October 2011
Hoenig, D. (2011): Property rights or quality signals? The role of patents in venture capital financing (with Henkel, J.), 6th Annual Conference of the EPIP Association: Fine-Tuning IPR Debates, Brussels, 8-9 September 2011
Publications Dr. Alexander Hoffmann
Hoffmann, A. (2015). Value Capture in Disintegrated Value Chains: The Hierarchy Strategy, Springer Gabler (ISBN 978-3658113674)
Working papers
Henkel, J., Hoffmann, A. (2014). Value capture in hierarchically organized industries: The hierarchy strategy
Publications Dr. Florian Jell
Jell, F. (2011). Patent Filing Strategies and Patent Management, Gabler Verlag, Wiesbaden.
(Order here)
Contributions to Edited Books
Mensah-Bonsu, C., Jell, F. (2011). Obstacles to innovation and entrepreneurship in Ghana - An analysis of opportunities for sustainable development, in: Wagner, M. (Ed.): Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Sustainability, Greenleaf (in press).
(Available on SSRN:
Articles in peer-reviewed journals
Jell, F., Block, J., Henkel, J., Spiegel, F., Zischka, H. (2015) Cross-Functional Patent Management in Family Firms. Journal of Business Economics, 85: 181–203.
Jell, F., Block, J., Henkel, J. (2011) Innovativität als Kriterium bei Venture Capital Entscheidungen – eine qualitativ empirische Untersuchung, Kredit und Kapital (in press).
(Available on SSRN:
Working Papers
Veer, T., Jell, F. (2011) Contributing to Markets for Technology? A Comparison of Patent Filing Motives of Individual Inventors, Small Companies and Universities
(Available on SSRN:
Henkel, J., Jell, F. (2011). Patent Pending – Why Faster Isn’t Always Better
(Available on SSRN:
Henkel, J., Jell, F. (2010). Patent Portfolio Races in Concentrated Markets for Technology
(Available on SSRN: hhtp:/
Henkel, J., Jell, F. (2009). Alternative Motives to File for Patents: Profiting from Pendency and Publication
(Available on SSRN:
„Identifikation von neuen Anwendungen für bestehende Technologien mit der Lead User-Methode“: Forum „Junge Spitzenforscher und Mittelstand“ der Stiftung Industrieforschung, Bonn/Petersberg, 06-2010
Conference Presentations
Presentations at various international conferences: e.g.: Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (Chicago); Annual Conference of the EPIP Association (Bern, Maastricht); Interdisziplinäre Jahreskonferenz zur Gründungs-Forschung (Cologne, Dortmund); Annual Consortium for Competitiveness and Cooperation Colloquium (Ann Arbor)
Publications Dr. Stefanie Lernbecher (née Pangerl)
Working Papers
Henkel, J., Pangerl, S. (2008) Defensive publishing - An Empirical Study
Publications Robert Lüttke
Henkel, J., Lüttke, R (2014) In "Synbio and Human Health". Synthetic Biology: Solving the Pharmaceutical Industry’s Innovation Problems?
Publications in Physics
Smith, M. K., Werner, V., Terry, J. R., Pietralla, N., Petkov, P., Berant, Z., Casperson, R. J., Heinz, A., Henning, G., Lüttke, R., Qian, J., Shoraka, B., Rainovski, G., Williams, E., and Winkler, R. (2013) Centrifugal stretching from lifetime measurements in the 170Hf ground state band, Phys. Rev. C 87, 044317
Lüttke, R., McCutchan, E. A., Werner, V., Aleksandrova, K., Atwater, S., Ai, H., Casperson, R. J., Casten, R. F., Heinz, A., Mertz, A. F., Qian, J., Shoraka, B., Terry, J. R., Williams, E. and Winkler, R. (2012) Collectivity in 66Ge and 68Ge via lifetime measurements, Phys. Rev. C 85, 017301
Taylor, M. J., Gürdal, G., Kumbartzki, G., Benczer-Koller, N., Stuchbery, A. E., Sharon, Y. Y., Bentley, M. A., Berant, Z., Casperson, R. J.,Casten, R. F., Heinz, A., Ilie, G., Lüttke, R., McCutchan, E. A., Qian, J., Shoraka, B., Werner, V., Williams, E. and Winkler, R. (2011) Low-energy structure of the even-A 96-104Ru isotopes via g-factor measurements, Phys. Rev. C 83, 044315
McCutchan, E. A., Casten, R. F., Werner, V., Williams, E., Winkler, R., Wolf, A., Berant, Z., Gürdal, G., Qian, J, Ai, H., Amon, L., Beausang, C. W., Brenner, D. S., Cakirli, R. B, Casperson, R. J., Fitzpatrick, C. R., Frank, D., Garnsworthy, A. B., Heinz, A., Lüttke, R., Mertz, A. F., Oktem, Y., Pietralla, N., Regan, P. H., Shoraka, B., Terry, J. R. and Thompson, N. J (2008) Enhanced mixing of intrinsic states in deformed Hf nuclei, Phys. Rev. C 77, 054304
Mertz, A. F., McCutchan, E. A., Casten, R. F., Casperson, R. J., Heinz, A., Huber, B., Lüttke, R., Qian, J., Shoraka, B., Terry, J. R., Werner, V., Williams, E. and Winkler, R. (2008) First experimental test of X(5) critical-point symmetry in the A~130 mass region: Low-spin states and the collective structure of 130Ce, Phys. Rev. C 77, 014307
McCutchan, E. A., Casten, R. F., Werner, V., Wolf, A., Berant, Z., Casperson, R. J., Heinz, A., Lüttke, R., Shoraka, B., Terry, J. R., Williams, E. and Winkler, R. (2007) β decay study of 168Hf and a test of new geometrical models, Phys. Rev. C 76, 064307
Conference Presentations in Physics
Luettke, R., Ricard-McCutchan, E., Werner, V., Ai, H., Casperson, R., Casten, R., Heinz, A., Qian, J., Shoraka, B., Terry, R., Williams, E., Winkler, R. (2007) Enhanced lifetime measurement of low-lying states in 66Ge and 68Ge, American Physical Society, 2007 Annual Meeting of the Division of Nuclear Physics, October 10-13, 2007
Publications Dr. Anja Schön
Working papers
Schoen, A., Heinisch, D., Buenstorf, G. (2013): Playing the ‘Name Game’ to identify university patents in Germany. Working Paper. Available at SSRN:
Articles in Journals
Schoen, A., Buenstorf, G. (2013, in press): When do universities own their patents? An explorative study of patent characteristics and organizational determinants in Germany, Industry and Innovation, Vol. 20, No. 5, 422–437, doi:
De Rassenfosse, G, Schoen A, Wastyn A. (2013): Selection Bias in Innovation Studies: A Simple Test. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, accepted for publication.
Schön, A., van Pottelsberghe de la Potterie, B., Henkel, J. (in press) Governance typology of universities’ technology transfer processes. Journal of Technology Transfer, doi:
Conference Presentations
Schön, A. (2012): University-to-industry technology transfer in Europe, IPRIA seminar series, Melbourne & Adelaide, 26. & 29. November 2012.
Schön, A. (2011): Patents owned by and invented at German universities – Methodology and first results (with Bünstorf, G.), 3rd ESF‐APE‐INV Name Game Workshop, Brussels, 5. & 6. September 2011
Schön, A. (2011): A New Typology of Governance of Universities’ Technology Transfer Processes (with van Pottelsberghe de la Potterie, B., Henkel, J.), 6th Annual Conference of the EPIP Association: Fine-Tuning IPR debates, Brussels, 8. & 9. September 2011
Schön, A. (2011): Institutionalization of Universities' Technology Transfer: A Qualitative Assessment in Europe (with van Pottelsberghe de la Potterie, B., Henkel, J.), Technology Transfer Society Conference, Augsburg, 21.-23. September 2011
Schön, A. (2012): When are university-invented patents also university-owned – Empirical results for German professors (with Bünstorf, G.), ESF‐APE‐INV workshop: “Scientists & Inventors”, Leuven, 10. & 11. May 2012
Publications Dr. Manuel Sojer
Articles in Peer-Reviewed Journals
Sojer, M., Henkel, J. (2010) Code Reuse in Open Source Software Development: Quantitative Evidence, Drivers, and Impediments. Journal of the Association for Information Systems 11(12), 868-901.
Working Papers
Sojer, M., Henkel, J. (2010) License Risks from Ad-Hoc Reuse of Code from the Internet: An Empirical Investigation
Sojer, M., Henkel, J. (2010) Code Reuse in Open Source Software Development: Quantitative Evidence, Drivers, and Impediments
Publications Dr. Frank Spiegel
Working papers
Innovation in Founder and Family Firms: Entrepreneurial versus Nurturer Identities of Owners (with Jörn Block, Peter Jaskiewicz and Danny Miller) (
Family capitalism and regional innovation activity: evidence from the German Mittelstand (with Jörn Block) (
Cross-functional IP Management in Family Firms (with Jörn Block, Florian Jell, Joachim Henkel and Hans Zischka) (
Regionale Bedeutung von Familienunternehmen in Westdeutschland (mit Jörn Block) (
Articles in journals
How do risk attitudes differ within the group of entrepreneurs? The role of motivation and procedural utility (with Jörn Block and Philipp Sandner), Journal of Small Business Management (in press) (
Unglücklich trotz Erfolg - Faktoren für die Zufriedenheit von Gründern (mit Andreas Lutz und Jörn Block) (
Conference presentations
Frank Spiegel (2009) Strategische Aspekte bei FuE-Kooperationen. FuE-Tagung „Möglichkeiten und Risiken bei FuE-Kooperationen“, Hof, 29.07.2009
Frank Spiegel (2009) Do risk attitudes differ within the group of entrepreneurs? (with Jörn Block and Philipp Sandner) G-Forum 2009, Leipzig, 30.10.2009
Frank Spiegel (2010) Do risk attitudes differ within the group of entrepreneurs? (with Jörn Block and Philipp Sandner) Babson Conference 2010, Lausanne, 10.06.2010
Frank Spiegel (2010) Innovation in Founder and Family Firms: Entrepreneurial versus Nurturer Identities of Owners (with Jörn Block, Peter Jaskiewicz and Danny Miller) G-Forum 2010, Cologne, 21.10.2010
Frank Spiegel (2011) Innovation in Founder and Family Firms: Entrepreneurial versus Nurturer Identities of Owners (with Jörn Block, Peter Jaskiewicz and Danny Miller) EIASM - 7th Workshop on Familiy Firms Management Research, 2011, Witten, 28.05.2011
Frank Spiegel (2011) Family capitalism and regional innovation activity: evidence from the German Mittelstand (with Jörn Block) EIASM - 7th Workshop on Familiy Firms Management Research, 2011, Witten, 29.05.2011
Frank Spiegel (2011) Innovation in Founder and Family Firms: Entrepreneurial versus Nurturer Identities of Owners (with Jörn Block, Peter Jaskiewicz and Danny Miller) IFERA, 2011, Palermo, 29.06.2011
Frank Spiegel (2011) Family capitalism and regional innovation activity: evidence from the German Mittelstand (with Jörn Block) IFERA, 2011, Witten, 30.06.2011
Frank Spiegel (2011) Innovation in Founder and Family Firms: Entrepreneurial versus Nurturer Identities of Owners (with Jörn Block, Peter Jaskiewicz and Danny Miller) Babson Conference, 2011 (angenommen)
Publications Dr. Annika Stiegler (née Bock)
Commercializing User Innovations by Vertical Diversification: The User-Manufacturer Innovator (with J. Block and J. Henkel)
Selling to Competitors? Competitive Implications of User-Manufacturer Integration (with J. Henkel and J. Block)
Publications Dr. Marcus Wagner
(2009): Acquisitions as a means of innovation sourcing by incumbents and growth of technology-oriented ventures, International Journal of Technology Management, im Druck.
(2009): Die Funktion von Anspruchgruppen bei Kooperationen in der Produktentwicklung , Die Unternehmung, im Druck.
(2009): Innovation and competitive advantages from the integration of strategic aspects with social and environmental management in European firms, Business Strategy and the Environment, im Druck.
(2008): The Influence of Environmental Management Systems and Tools on Innovation: Evidence from Europe, Ecological Economics, 66: 392-402.
(2007): On the relationship between environmental management, environmental innovation and patenting: Evidence from German manufacturing firms, Research Policy, 36: 1587-1602.
(2007): Integration of Environmental Management with Other Managerial Functions of the Firm - Empirical Effects on Drivers of Economic Performance, Long Range Planning, 40: 611-628.
(2007, m. J. Block): Opportunity Recognition and Exploitation by Necessity and Opportunity Entrepreneurs: Empirical Evidence from Earnings Equations, in: Proceedings of the Sixty-Sixth Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (Hrsg. Solomon, G. T.), AOM, Philadelphia, ISSN 1543-8643.
(2006): Organisation and Management of Innovation in High-Tech Industries: The Case of Electronic Design Automation, in: Proceedings of the R&D Management Conference 2006 (Hrsg. Butler, J.), PREST, Manchester, ISBN 0-9540016-7-2. (2006, Hrsg. m. S. Schaltegger): Managing the Business Case for Sustainability. Sheffield.
(2006, m. J. Block): Necessity and Opportunity Entrepreneurs: Characteristics and Earnings Differentials in Germany, Paper accepted for presentation at the G-Forum 2006, Berlin, 8-10 November, manuscript available at
(2006): A Comparative Analysis of Theoretical Reasoning and Empirical Studies on the Porter Hypothesis and the Role of Innovation, Zeitschrift für Umweltrecht und Umweltpolitik, 3: 349-368.
(2006, m. S. Schaltegger): Integrative Management of Sustainability Performance, Measurement and Reporting, International Journal of Accounting, Auditing and Performance Evaluation, 3(1): 1-19.
(2005): How to Reconcile Environmental and Economic Performance to Improve Corporate Sustainability: Corporate Environmental Strategies in the European Paper Industry, Journal of Environmental Management, 76(2): 105-118.
(2004, m. S. Schaltegger): The Influence of Corporate Environmental Strategy Choice on the Relationship between Environmental and Economic Performance in the European Manufacturing Industry: An Empirical Analysis, European Management Journal, 22: 557-572.
(2003, Hrsg. m. S. Schaltegger): Sustainability Performance and Business Competitiveness, Special Issue, Greener Management International, Autumn.
(2003): Does it Pay to Be Eco-Efficient in the European Electricity Supply Industry? A Panel Data Analysis of the Relationship between Environmental and Economic Performance, Zeitschrift für Energiewirtschaft, 27: 309-318.
Publications Dr. Josef Waltl
Articles in Journals
Waltl, J., Henkel, J., Baldwin C. Y. (2012) IP Modularity in Software Ecosystems: How SugarCRM's IP and Business Model Shape Its Product Architecture. Software Business. In: Cusumano MA, Iyer B, Venkatraman N et al. (eds), vol 114. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, pp 94-106
Contributions to Books
Waltl, J. (2013). What makes a software platform attractive for ecosystem partners? In: P. Buxmann (ed.), S. Jansen (ed.), T. Kude (ed.), Proceedings of european workshop on software ecosystems, Books On Demand.
Waltl, J. (2013). Intellectual Property Modularity in Software Products and Software Platform Ecosystems. Books on Demand.
Conference Presentations
Waltl, J., Henkel, J., Baldwin, C. Y. (2012) IP Modularity in Software Ecosystems - How SugarCRM’s IP and Business Model Shape its Product ArchitectureOn Software Business, MIT, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 18, 2012