Final Thesis

Students working on their final thesis for graduation should show and improve their ability to work on a recent, scientific, or practice-oriented research topic.


For Bachelor Theses we highly recommend the successful participation in Empirical Research Methods and Technology and Innovation Management: Introduction.

For Master Theses we highly recommend the successful participation in Empirical Research Methods in Management and Economics and one of our Advanced Seminars.


There are two ways to write your final thesis at our chair:

  Open topic published on website (see below) Self-selected topic within our topic areas (see below)
Procedure   Contact supervisor directly via email

Apply via email to Pietro Fantini

Required documents • Description how you would tackle the topic (half a page)
• CV 
• Transcript of records
Research proposal  
• CV 
• Transcript of records

Research Proposal

In case you intend to write a thesis on a self-selected topic at our chair, we further require you to submit a proposal. This proposal should be about 1-2 pages (single-spaced), and clearly specify (1) your research question, (2) how this research question ties into an ongoing academic debate, (3) how, for this debate, your question is at least to some degree novel, interesting, and relevant, and (4) how you plan to answer your research question. Accordingly, we expect to see engagement with academic literature already in the proposal.

You will find further instructions on how to write a proposal in this document (Link).


We accept both empirical and conceptual theses, but please note that the amount of work will be approximately the same for both. Even if you want to focus on a topic particularly relevant for practitioners your thesis needs to have a sound theoretical basis and must fulfill the requirements of a scientific thesis. Please note accordingly that you cannot submit a practice-only topic, e.g., a business plan, as your thesis.

Topic Areas for self-selected topics

Please make sure that your self-selected topic fits to one of our team members‘ research areas. You find further information about each one’s research interests in the “About Us – Team section” of our homepage.

If you suggest an own topic, please provide a research proposal

Open Topics

Please find a list of open topics below. Follow the link for detailed information. If you are interested in one of the topics, please directly contact the respective supervisor and send a brief description (half a page) how you would tackle the respective topic.


Currently no topics available.


NOTE: We publish all available topics on this page as soon as they become available. Please refrain from further inquiries -- emails asking about open topics will not be answered.


Please do not contact us for preliminary requests without sending your complete application. The final decision regarding theses at out chair are made only based on complete applications. 

Applications for a final thesis at the Chair of Technology and Innovation Management can be submitted at any time. Every two months we will review the applications and assign supervisors to successful applicants. The application deadlines are therefore as follows:

Starting date Application deadline Feedback (acceptance or rejection)
December, January November 15th November 20th
February, March January 15th January 20th
April, May March 15th March 20th
June, July May 15th May 20th
August, September July 15th July 20th
October, November September 15th September 20th

In case you have questions concerning open topics, please contact the potential advisor named in the topic description directly. In case you have questions concerning the application process please contact Pietro Fantini.


  • Bachelor thesis: 3 months
  • Master thesis: 6 months

Hand-in of the final thesis (bachelor and master)

  • You must submit your thesis in purely digital form to Grade Management (, who will forward it to your supervisor.
  • Please provide Grade Management with the following documents in PDF format as part of your thesis submission:
    • Thesis
    • Permission to view my thesis (extra document)
    • All other files can also be attached, and Grade Management will forward them to your supervisor, or you can send them to your supervisor on your own. 
  • Submissions to Grade Management and direct submissions to your supervisor must be on time, by the due date indicated upon registration of your thesis.
  • Further information on digital submission can be found in the corresponding information sheet in the download area of the Grade Management homepage
  • You must check with your supervisor if you also have to submit a hard copy.  In case your supervisor requests a hard copy, you must still submit the digital version to Grade Management and the hard copy directly to your supervisor.
  • The final thesis submission must include:
    • A signed declaration of authorship/"ehrenwörtliche Erklärung"
    • Stata/R files (data, syntax)
    • Interview transcripts
    • Literature file (e.g., Endnote/Citavi file)
  • Please ensure you comply with the TIM Chair style guidelines


If you are looking for additional forms or German versions of these forms, please refer to the faculty website.