Application and Registration

  • Application for a topic offered by the chair: Please send a complete application (CV, transcript, short cover letter) to Pietro Fantini to apply for the topic.
  • Own ideas: If you want to submit your own suggestion, please include a short description of your topic (approximately one page). Please also send these documents to Pietro Fantini. We will then try our best to find a suitable supervisor at our chair.
  • Register (after receiving confirmation from advisor): Download and complete the correct registration form and send your registration form to your advisor for approval.
  • Submit the signed registration form (printed version) to Henriett Kakonyi (room 2514).


Final Report Submission

The following documents are required at our chair:

  • 2 hard copies of the final report (including a signed declaration of authorship / "ehrenwörtliche Erklärung")
  • Electronic versions of the final report (Word and PDF)
  • Electronic version of the final presentation
  • Stata files, computer code, data, syntax, if applicable
  • Literature files (e.g. Endnote or Citavi)

The IDP documentation should, in addition:

  • be at least 20 pages
  • connect the project to the field of innovation and technology management (including citations where necessary)
  • follow the style guide of the chair

Please discuss with your advisor whether additional documents could be required.



Please familiarize yourself with the information sheet. In case of any remaining questions, please contact Pietro Fantini.

Additional forms as well as German versions of the previously mentioned forms can be found on the TUM School of Computation, Information and Technology website.