Dr. Gresa Latifi

Phone: +49 (0)89 289-25758
E-Mail: gresa.latifi@tum.de
Room: 2504
Office Hours: By appointment



Research Interests

  • Innovation dynamics in high tech sectors
  • VC exit routs
  • Technology acquisitions

Curriculum Vitae

Since 12/18 Postdoctoral researcher at Dr. Theo Schöller Chair of Technology and Innovation Management (Joachim Henkel).
01/19 PhD in Management and Engineering at Politecnico di Milano, Italy under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Luca Grilli. Thesis title: Venture Capital and Institutions.
10/17 - 03/18 Visiting academic at University of Utrecht School of Economics (associated with Chair of Strategy, Organisation, and Entrepreneurship – guest of Prof. Dr. Erik Stam).
11/15 - 05/18 Project member in “Financial and Institutional Reforms for the Entrepreneurial Society“ (FIRES) within the framework of the Horizon 2020-initiative of the EU.
06/15 M.Sc. in Economics at the Friedrich Schiller University of Jena, Spec. Innovation and Changes. Thesis: Social Contacts in East and West Germany.
09/12 B.Sc. in Economics, Management and Information Technology at the University of Prishtina.

Publications in Peer-Reviewed Journals

Institutional Determinants of Venture Capital Activity: an Empirically Driven Literature Review and a Research Agenda (with Luca Grilli and Boris Mrkajic), Journal of Economic Surveys (in press).

Venture Capital in Europe: Social Capital, Formal Institutions and Mediation Effects (with Luca Grilli and Boris Mrkajic), Small Business Economics, 2018, 1-18.

Scientific cooperation in a German-Polish Border Region in the Light of EU Enlargement (with Jutta Guenther, Judyta Lubacha-Sember and Daniel Toebelmann), Foresight and STI Governance, 2017, Vol. 11, No. 1, 42-53.

Policy Briefs

Sanders, M., P. Balasz, L. Grilli, A. Herrmann, G. Latifi and E. Terragno Bogliacinni (2018). Policy Brief on the FIRES Reform Strategy for Italy. FIRES Policy Briefs 18-02. March 2018. Downloadable at: www.projectfires.eu/publications/policy-briefs/

Sanders, M., P. Balasz, M. Fritsch, A. Herrmann, G. Latifi and E. Terragno Bogliacinni (2018). Policy Brief on the FIRES Reform Strategy for Germany. FIRES Policy Briefs 18-03. April 2018. Downloadable at: www.projectfires.eu/publications/policy-briefs

Contributions in Edited Volumes

Guenther J., G. Latifi, Lubacha-Sember, J., and D. Toebelmann 2013. Scientific cooperation in a German-Polish Border Region in the light of EU Enlargement. In: Meissener, D., E. Edil and Chataway, J. (eds.). Innovation and the Entrepreneurial University, Chapter 11, pp. 243-264.