Theo Schöller Award 2010

The Theo Schöller Award 2010 was awarded by Prof. Joachim Henkel on 12.11.2010 on the "Tag der Fakultät für Wirtschaftswissenschaften" at the TU München. It was awarded to Prof. Nikolaus Franke, Dr. Peter Keinz and Christoph J. Steger. 


1st place: Nikolaus Franke, Peter Keinz und Christoph J. Steger

For their article: „Testing the Value of Customization: When Do Customers Really Prefer Products Tailored to Their Preferences?” published in the Journal of Marketing, 2009

The award winners researched the value of "Customization" from the point of view of the customer. The results show that customers show a higher willingness to pay if the products were developed on the basis of their preferencesaus Kundensicht. In addition to this, the authors named various conditions under which these aspects were significantly more pronounced.

You can find the complete article here.

2nd place:

Katrin Talke, Sören Salomo, Jaap E. Wieringa und Antje Lutz

for their article: „What about Design Newness? Investigating the Relevance of a Neglected Dimension of Product Innovativeness” erschienen im Journal of Product Innovation Management, 2009

The runners up examined a new dimension of innovation. This is based on a new design as opposed to technological or market oriented progress. 157 introductions of automobiles in Germany were analyzed. The results show that an innovative design plays an integral role - and not just technological innovation - in the successful introduction of the car.

You can find the complete article here.


The selection of award winners was made by a scientific panel. This committee included the following: 

Ann-Kristin Achleitner (TUM), Carliss Y. Baldwin (Harvard Business School), Dominique Foray (Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne), Alfonso Gambardella (Università Commerciale Luigi Bocconi), Dietmar Harhoff (LMU), Joachim Henkel (TUM), Eric von Hippel (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), Tobias Kretschmer (LMU), Holger Patzelt (TUM), Arnold Picot (LMU)