Advanced Topics in Innovation & Entrepreneurship II (WIB01832): (Innovation and Technology Management in Practice)

Lecturer (assistant)
Duration4 SWS
TermSommersemester 2017
Language of instructionEnglish
Position within curriculaSee TUMonline
DatesSee TUMonline


Admission information

See TUMonline
Note: The registration for the seminars of the TUM School of Management is NOT available via TUMonline. You may apply via email until April 9, 2017. For your application please send your CV, current transcript of records, and your Bachelor certificate to


In the course, students will - acquire detailed knowledge of selected topics in innovation and technology management, - apply their knowledge to real life management cases, - evaluate strategic innovation and technology management decisions based on the presented case-studies. Students learn to discuss management decisions in innovation management both in a written and oral form.


The course covers the essentials of innovation and technology management in high-technology corporations based on introductory lectures and case-studies. Topics covered include: - Innovation Strategy and Market Dynamics - R&D Organization - Strategic Intellectual Property Management - Modular Product and Platform Management Classes: Monday 10.00 - 11.30 Target audience: Master


Please refer to the English description.

Teaching and learning methods

The teaching methods involve lecturing and case-based teaching. The course is designed in an interactive format that promotes intensive classroom discussions based on industry examples.


The grade will be based on: 50% case presentation and discussion, 30% written case reports, and 20% written discussion of case presentations.

Recommended literature

Please refer to the English description.
