If Natura had a theme song, it would be Aretha Franklin's "Respect". Since Natura was founded over 40 years ago, the Brazilian company has flourished on a philosophy of respect for the natural environment that supplies its products' ingredients; respect for its suppliers, including traditional populations who live in…

Llamas, alpacas, guanacos, and vicuñas are "the Gold of the Andes". In former times, the South-American camelids were a gift from nature for the inhabitants of the Andean inhabitants. They represented a vital source of food and clothing. Without them the survival in the inhospitable, harsh environments of the Andes…

Master Consumer Affairs On Thursday January, 27th 2011, there will be the chance to review the written exam in "Qualitative Research Methods" which took place in December 15th , 2010.Place:Seminar room (Professur BWL Brau- und Lebensmittelindustrie)Alte Akademie 1485354 FreisingTime:January 27th, 201111 a.m. - 12…

Die Professur für Betriebswirtschaftslehre Brau- und Lebensmittelindustrie gehört zur wirtschaftswissenschaftlichen Fakultät der TU München und ist in Weihenstephan angesiedelt. Sie bietet betriebswirtschaftliche Lehrveranstaltungen für Studentinnen und Studenten des Wissenschaftszentrums Weihenstephan, der…

ESAN University in Lima (Peru) is one of the leading business schools in Latin America. It was established in 1963 accredited by the Graduate School of Business of Stanford University (California). ESAN University offers a number of masters programmes for graduate students, including Master of Business Administration…

Das Projekt 'Förderung nachhaltigen Konsums durch Nutzerintegration in Nachhaltigkeits-Innovationen' lädt herzlich zur Abschlusskonferenz am Donnerstag, 24.2.2011, in der Carl Friedrich von Siemens Stiftung (Südliches Schloßrondell 23, 80638 München) ein. Wir freuen uns auf ergiebige Diskussionen mit Ihnen und auf eine…