Final Theses

Students working on their final thesis for gradutation should show and improve their ability to work on a recent, scientific or practice-oriented, research topic. 

Please find more detailed information about a thesis with us below.


Requirements for writing a Bachelor's thesis with us is a successful participation in the lecture "Introduction to Entrepreneurship" and the successful completion of a project study with us. In addition you have to participate in our seminar on academic reserach and writing.

For writing a Master's thesis it is required to successfully participate in at least one Advanced Seminar (Advanced Topics Seminar is not sufficient) offered by us.

We offer a seminar on academic research and writing (2 days) to support our students in the thesis writing process. The seminar is mandatory for all students writing a thesis which is supervised by Prof. Patzelt, by Prof. Breugst, Prof. Tryba and Prof. Alexy if students have not succesfully completed an Advanced Seminar with the respective professor. 

Dates for the seminar on academic research and writing in summer term 2024:
Registration via TUMonline.

  • 23. - 24.07.2024

Dates for the seminar on academic research and writing in winter term 2024/2025:
Registration via TUMonline available soon.

  • 17. - 18.10.2024
  • 12. - 13.12.2024
  • 06. - 07.02.2025


We accept both empirical and conceptual theses, but please note that the amount of work will be approximately the same for both. Even if you want to focus on a topic particularly relevant for practitioners your thesis needs to have a sound theoretical basis and must fulfill the requirements of a scientific thesis. Please note accordingly that you cannot submit a practice-only topic, e.g., a business plan, as your thesis.

Please check the descriptions of available topics below for further details. If you believe that one of the topic fits your interests and your study program, please contact the potential advisor directly for your application.

If you intend to work on a self-selected topic, please check our team members’ research interests for a potential advisor and apply with a proposal (please note the requirements listed below) to the team member directly.

If you are unsure which team member to contact, or if you think multiple team members could advise you, please send only one email to our thesis coordinator who can also answer any questions you may still have.



To apply for a thesis, please provide the following information:

  • Short letter of motivation (please indicate your preferred topic or provide a sketch of your self-selected topic)
  • Curriculum vitae
  • Current transcript of records
  • Proposal (required for topics proposed by students, optional for topics proposed by us)*

We do not consider incomplete applications.

*In case you intend to write a thesis on a topic of your choice, we further require you to submit a proposal. This proposal should be about 1⁄2-1 page (single-spaced), and clearly specify (1) your research question, (2) how this research question ties into an ongoing academic debate, (3) how, for this debate, your question is at least to some degree novel, interesting, and relevant, and (4) how you plan to answer your research question. Accordingly, we expect to see engagement with academic literature already in the proposal.

Additional information for theses in Innovation and Organization Design (Prof. Alexy)

Additional information for theses in Entrepreneurship Education (Prof. Tryba)



You will find important guidlines, information, and suggestions for theses and seminar papers written at our institute here.

Note that legal regulations are made by the administration of TUM School of Management. Please contact them in case of any ambiguities.



  • Bachelor thesis: 3 months
  • Master thesis: 6 months


Currently available topics

Talent management has become increasingly important for companies in Japan as they navigate the challenges of an aging population, a shrinking workforce, and the need for innovation. This thesis will explore the unique aspects of talent management within the Japanese business environment and…

Master Thesis for 1-2 Students. Mission: Exploring diversity mechanisms in Entrepreneurship focusing on allyship (qualitative/quantitative). When: Start right away. Applications are open!